Telehealth Availability:
In an attempt to reduce person to person contact and slow the progression of COVID-19, Reading Pediatrics will increasingly utilize telemedicine to ensure continuity of care to our patients. Telemedicine will be used for live video consults with our providers for appointments that don’t require in person evaluation.
This may include:
Follow ups (ADHD, anxiety, depression)
Sick appointments in which assessment can be done visually (ie. rash, conjunctivitis, general follow ups if symptoms resolving).
We will be using Updox Telehealth as our HIPAA compliant platform of choice. Please call the office if you would like to set up an appointment and we will determine if the appointment can be done through telemedicine. Our office will text you a link at the time of your appointment that will begin your telehealth visit. Per state regulations, these visits may still require a co-pay.
Office Hours:
Our hours have temporarily changed. We are not offering walk-in hours at this time. Check ups are available throughout the day and sick appointments in the later afternoon. We are having all sick patients enter and leave the office through a different entrance. We have designated a room specifically for sick patients. Once doctors and nurses come in contact with sick patients, they will not be doing well check ups on the same day. Telemedicine evaluations will be available throughout the day until 4pm. Please note that all patients coming in are being screened ahead of time for known exposure to COVID-19, recent travel, and symptoms of cough, fever, or shortness of breath. We are also taking extreme caution by having patients call us from their cars when they arrive. That way we can assure that we bring each patient in individually to reduce person to person contact.
Warm regards and stay healthy!